Seizing the Moment: ECEPTS National Conference on ECE Apprenticeships
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Call For Proposals

As the need for effective, replicable models of ECE professional development receives growing national attention, interest in apprenticeships has become widespread.

This first ever National Conference on ECE Apprenticeships will showcase initiatives around the country and bring together a coalition of critical stakeholders from the ECE industry, higher education, workforce development, philanthropy, and advocacy.

Please help us make the conference impactful and exciting by sharing your wisdom, experience, and practical information that will inform and inspire others interested in expanding this work and addressing the economic and systemic challenges that continue to hold back the ECE field and the ECE workforce.

What We Are Looking For

  • There will be five sets of breakout sessions with no more than five options per session. So we will accept no more than 25 proposals.
  • Breakout sessions will be 75 minutes long. Presentations should include ample time for Q&A and group discussion.
  • We’re looking for engaging sessions from leaders in California and around the country who represent innovative ideas and diverse perspectives related to the conference theme of understanding and expanding ECE Apprenticeships.
  • The following provides some ideas about possible focus areas but in no way should constrain your proposal nor your creativity in thinking about what you would like to present.
    • Current efforts to design, develop, expand, replicate ECE Apprenticeships
    • Confronting systemic challenges, funding challenges, and barriers to program sustainability in terms of implementing and scaling ECE Apprenticeship programs
    • Ensuring that equity is a key driver in program design and implementation of ECE Apprenticeships,
    • Expanding ECE Apprenticeships to new sectors within the ECE workforce (e.g., home visitors; program directors; family, friends and neighbors)
    • Engaging the workforce system and building coalitions between the ECE industry and the workforce system, in terms of programs, funding, and sustainability
    • Policy and advocacy efforts and updates related to expanding ECE Apprenticeships nationally, in particular states or communities, across systems of higher education, etc.

Important Details

  • You can submit up to three session proposals
  • All session proposals must be submitted by January 10
  • Reviewer decisions will be shared by January 19
  • Your presentation date and time will be determined by the planning committee and communicated when reviewer decisions are announced
  • All session presenters are required to register for the conference (we encourage you to take advantage of the Super Early Bird and Early Bird rates)

Contact Information

  • Please direct any other questions to Conferences and Events at