2021 Investment Cycle
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SVP Philadelphia is the newest chapter of SVP International, the global leader in engaged philanthropy with chapters from Boston to Bangalore. Through its growing network of Partners in Philadelphia, we aim to mobilize individuals to work alongside, learn with, and amplify community-driven poverty alleviation efforts. Through these connections, nonprofit organizations addressing systemic poverty will grow advocates and gain access to resources necessary to sustain lasting change.


Our 2021 Investment Cycle supports nonprofit organizations addressing root causes of poverty - housing, education, criminal justice, and economic security. We invest in organizations working to advance systemic change in these four areas. We define systems change as community organizing, policy advocacy, changing public narratives around an issue, coalition building, or creating alternatives to inequitable systems. For more information about what we fund, please read our Information Packet or watch our Informational Webinar.

We have learned that leaders and organizations closest to the issues have the experience, insights, and ability to alter the systems creating the issues. Given that Black, Indigenous, and other Philadelphians of color are disproportionately impacted by the systems that produce poverty, this opportunity is specifically for organizations that self-identify as being led by and serving Black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC).

The 2021 Investment Cycle is investing capacity building support and a total of $600,000 over three years in up to three partner organizations:

  • Individual grants may be up to $100,000 per year.
  • Dollars granted are general operating support.
  • We commit our capacity building support and funding to grantees for three years, pending yearly review. (For example, grantee receiving a $50,000 investment will receive a total of $150,000 over the three-year agreement period.)
  • SVP Philadelphia defines capacity building as developing core skills, leadership, culture, management practices, strategies, and systems to enhance an organization’s effectiveness, sustainability, and ability to fulfill its mission.
    • Driven by the grantee’s priorities and interests, we connect individuals from our philanthropic network who bring experience in areas such as board development, fundraising, marketing, technology, legal affairs, human resources, operations, program development, and strategic planning.
    • We also view this as an opportunity to build relationships with frontline leaders so that we can become better funders and partners to advance our shared goals

We invite all interested applicants to familiarize yourself with this opportunity by reviewing our Information Packet and to watch a recording of our Informational Webinar. If you have questions, please reach out to SVP Associate Eriks Dunens at eriks@svpphl.org.

Eligible organizations may apply at this site starting on Friday, February 19, 2021. The deadline to submit a letter of interest is Friday, March 5, 2021 at 7 pm.