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Autonomous Ocean Mapping Submarines
Which division are you and your team entering?JR Division
Idea NameAutonomous Ocean Mapping Submarines
Team Member Name(s)Xander Dahle
Idea SummaryFor humans, the ocean is much more inhospitable than space, making sense that only around 20 percent of it has been explored and mapped. It raises the question: shouldn’t we know more about our planet before venturing into space? My idea is to build a fleet of Autonomous Ocean Mapping Submarines (AOMS). These AI-controlled submarines could stay at sea for at least 20 years, follow a pre-programmed path, and map out the seafloor. Without the restrictions of a crew to return to shore to replenish supplies, the sub could dutifully work 24/7. Each submarine would be about the same size as the NR-1 HI Sutton submarine, about 40 meters in length. Without the need for cabin space for a crew, the total length could ideally be brought down to around 30 meters. Active sonar would map out the seafloor, and passive sonar would listen for passing whales and other sea life to not inadvertently injure them with the sonar. The AI would take the data from the passive sonar and determine when it is safe to continue mapping.