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4 Elements Hybrid Energy Generation System
Which division are you and your team entering?Main Division
Idea Name4 Elements Hybrid Energy Generation System
Team Member Name(s)Cruz Collin
Idea SummaryWhat is it? This invention is a Hybrid Energy Production system consisting of 4 different forms of energy production that are interchangeable depending on the user's needs. The full system consists of a water turbine which is fully segmented to allow for its length to be adjusted depending on the users stream, pipe, creek, river or other flowing water sources. The next piece is a horizontal wind turbine which houses the two other components of the device. The device also holds a Thermoelectric Generator which is housed in the center of the turbine’s rotating core piece which is connected to the wings or blades to catch the wind, or other sources of moving air. The Thermoelectric Generator is insulated with Graphene Aerogel to better insulate the heat in the center to allow for more power generation with less heat dissipation. The Thermoelectric Generator's interior is heated with a small electric heater which is powered by the other aspects of the device to ensure the center of the generator is hot while the exterior remains cool. The last piece is a solar panel located on the top of the turbine, or elsewhere on or connected to the device to most effectively generate electricity due to it being the best place for uninterrupted solar charging. The solar panel also includes several small electric heaters which will help to melt any ice or snow which prevent the sun from charging the panel. The heater is charged by the panel.