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The Animal Alert
Which division are you and your team entering?Cub Division
Idea NameThe Animal Alert
Team Member Name(s)Denali Walrath
Idea SummaryThe Animal Alert app alerts users if a potentially dangerous animal is nearby. When you insert your desired location, the app will show you if what and when an animal has been reportedly seen in the area. . If you happen to spot an animal yourself, you can add where and when it was spotted in the app itself. This would notify others that are going to the same location and it will send an alert to their phone. The alert will suggest what to be on the lookout for and whether or not it is safe to enter. The idea came to me last year, when my family and I were out berry picking and saw a sow grizzly bear accompanied by her three cubs. They were just a couple yards away, over a hill from where we were berry picking. There were several close encounters with these animals last year, and since then there has been an increase in reports about grizzly bears getting close to berry pickers.