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Innovating Accessible, Affordable, and Alaskan Specific Legal Products
Which division are you and your team entering?Main Division
Idea NameInnovating Accessible, Affordable, and Alaskan Specific Legal Products
Team Member Name(s)Mamie Brown
Idea SummaryThis idea will leverage scalable legal products and services, creating a solution for legal deserts in Alaska. There has not been and will not be the volume of attorneys to meet the needs of Alaska's population, especially in remote locations; rapid innovation is key. We are leveraging both high-tech (e.g. eCommerce) and low-tech (e.g. a mobile legal center, local clinics) solutions to deliver our products and services. First, the solution is to leverage scalability both offline and online. Second, products and services must be affordable and understandable to our service populations. They must also be culturally relevant. To be responsive to Alaskans and actually add value, we are developing a program for creating the highest quality plan language forms. Third, data driven solutions are key. We can't make an impactful difference without data and key measures. We are utilizing both publicly available community needs and our own bottom-up community needs assessments. Our model is to work collaboratively with our informal community partners to determine how best to focus our efforts. Where their good work ends, our good works begin. The goal is to develop community improvement plans, benefit activities, and an annual community benefits report.