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MSF-USA Refugee Appeal
Campaign Details
Campaign NameMSF-USA Refugee Appeal
CategoryDirect Mail Renewal
Nonprofit NameMSF-USA
Agency NameLautman Maska Neill & Company
Launch Date6/6/02
Audience TargetedDonors
Campaign Stats
Total Recipients766,806
Gross Income$2,099,969
Average Gift ($)$77.82
Cost to Raise $1 (Total Cost/Gross Income)$0.14
Cost per solicitation (Total Cost/Total Recipients)$0.39
Direct Mail Response Rate3.52%
Why is Your Entry Successful
Why is your entry successful?With a matching gift opportunity and an urgent update on MSF’s work in Ukraine included, an incredible $2.1 million was raised with over a 3.5% response rate. This refugee focused appeal (mailed in the summer when fundraising is slower) was the highest performing issue focused campaign of the year!