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February Tax Mailing
Campaign Details
Campaign NameFebruary Tax Mailing
CategoryDirect Mail Renewal
Nonprofit NameAnti-Defamation League (ADL)
Agency NameCDR
Launch Date2/14/22
Audience TargetedDonor-Member File
Campaign Stats
Total Recipients40,248
Gross Income300,501.78
Average Gift ($)139.64
Cost to Raise $1 (Total Cost/Gross Income)$0.014
Cost per solicitation (Total Cost/Total Recipients)$0.10
Direct Mail Response Rate5.35%
Why is Your Entry Successful
Why is your entry successful?This campaign provided donors with an overview of their 2021 giving, an impact graphic showing how their support has impacted the fight against hate, and a very soft ask. This package focused on gratitude for ADL donors and encouraged them to give again. They responded enthusiastically!