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Seattle Children's Paid Search Acquisition
Campaign Details
Campaign NameSeattle Children's Paid Search Acquisition
CategoryDigital Acquisition
Nonprofit NameSeattle Children's Hospital
Agency NameTrueSense Marketing
Launch Date1/10/22
Audience TargetedProspects
Campaign Stats
Gross Income$73,287.61
Average Gift ($)$170
Cost to Raise $1 (Total Cost/Gross Income)$0.55
Cost Per New Donor$117.33
Why is Your Entry Successful
Why is your entry successful?This first-ever digital acquisition campaign for SCH netted a 7.21% CTR and a 3.3% conversion at a 1.81 ROAS! Even better, 52 of the 344 new gifts were monthly donors, (approximately $26,000 of the $73,287.61). Those monthly donors continue to account for $1513 a month in recurring revenue.