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Ukraine Crisis Emergency Appeal
Campaign Details
Campaign NameUkraine Crisis Emergency Appeal
Nonprofit NameHuman Rights Watch
Agency NameFaircom New York
Launch Date3/2/22
Audience TargetedDonors, Sustainers, Prospects 
Campaign Stats
Gross Income $113,536.12
Average Gift ($)$278.96
Cost to Raise $1 (Total Cost/Gross Income)$0.15
Direct Mail Response Rate3.57%
Email Response Rate1.0%
Email Click Rate0.9%
Why is Your Entry Successful
Why is your entry successful?The integrated appeals had an overwhelming response. The offline appeal raised more than $100,000, with an average gift of almost $300 and an ROI close to $10. The online appeal raised nearly $250,000 – 20% of HRW's online revenue – with an ROI of over 400% and 50 new monthly donors.