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HRC Year End Campaign
Campaign Details
Campaign NameHRC Year End Campaign
CategoryDigital Renewal
Nonprofit NameHuman Rights Campaign
Agency NameLautman Maska Neill & Company
Launch Date12/1/22
Audience TargetedDonors, Mid-Level
Campaign Stats
Gross Income$1,413,341
Average Gift ($)$95
Cost to Raise $1 (Total Cost/Gross Income)$0.16
Email Response Rate.07%
Email Click Rate0.3%
Digital ImpressionsNA
Why is Your Entry Successful
Why is your entry successful?HRC knew year-end fundraising would be tricky with 12/31 on a weekend and a tough economy. They pulled out ALL the stops: 25 emails, 11 texts, lightbox, 4 premiums--and a message that merged hope and joy with urgency. It WORKED with $1 million AND 1,217 new sustainers to fight w. HRC for equality!