Nonprofit NameEpiscopal Relief & Development (ERD)
Agency NameSanky Communications
Launch Date3/1/22
Audience Targeted0-12M $5+ multi & single donors, 13-24M $5+ multi & single donors, 25-36M $5-$249 single donors & 25-36M $5+ single donors, 37-48M $5+ single & multi donors, 49-60M $100+ multi donors, Churches
Campaign Stats
Gross Income$8,011,767
Average Gift ($)$389
Cost to Raise $1 (Total Cost/Gross Income)$.20
Direct Mail Response Rate1.86%
Email Response Rate2.72%
Email Click Rate3.92%
Why is Your Entry Successful
Why is your entry successful?Campaign had an array of messaging across email, web, and social media channels as the organization sought to effectively and responsibly convey updates on the crisis, and on their work to alleviate suffering and establish meaningful goals and direction for funds raised to aid families in Ukraine.