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Renewal DM + Text Test
Campaign Details
Campaign NameRenewal DM + Text Test
Nonprofit NameFriends of the Smithsonian
Agency NameAvalon Consulting
Launch Date9/24/22
Audience TargetedMembers
Campaign Stats
Gross Income$270,039
Average Gift ($)$138.48
Cost to Raise $1 (Total Cost/Gross Income)$.05
Direct Mail Response Rate12.48%
Email Response RateText RR: 1.04%
Email Click Raten/a
Why is Your Entry Successful
Why is your entry successful?Previous analysis showed that when FOS members received a text, renewal rates were stronger—even if they didn't renew by text. This test's higher response rates and additional gross revenue warranted a rollout of this strategy year-round, and we removed TM and shifted that expense to more texts.