PSIA-AASI Scholarships 2023
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2023 Deadlines:

PSIA-AASI/Women of Winter Scholarship - Applications due September 30, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. MDT.

All other PSIA-AASI Scholarships due October 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. MDT.


How to Apply: 

-- Carefully read the descriptions and requirements for all six PSIA-AASI scholarship tracks at

-- Choose "Create an Account" on the right-hand side of this page to log in and see the application details. 

-- Select your scholarship track from the drop-down menu:

  1. Women of Winter and PSIA-AASI [The deadline for WoW was Sept. 30 - applications are closed.]
  2. Adaptive Education 
  3. Certification or Specialist Education  [The Certification/Specialist Track has reached its maxiumum of 100 appicants.]
  4. Nancy Oakes Hall
  5. Small Snowsports Schools
  6. Veterans & Workforce Education

Details About Letters of Recommendation:

Women of Winter and PSIA-AASI: None required.

Adaptive: None required.

Certification or Specialist: None required.

Nancy Oakes Hall: Two letters of recommendation, one from a current or former supervisor or manager and one from a reference of your choice (but choose someone in the snowsports industry if your Letter of Recommendation #1 isn’t from a snowsports manager)

Small Snowsports Schools: Two letters of recommendation, one of which is from a resort executive. 

Veteran & Workforce: One letter of recommendation, preferably from someone who knows your work in the snowsports industry.

Each scholarship track is limited to the first 100 applicants, so submit your application as soon as possible.

If you apply for and receive a scholarship this season (2023-24) and do not use it this season, you’ll need to reapply for the same scholarship for next season (2024-25).

You can only apply to ONE scholarship per year, so choose the one you think fits you best! Once you've decided which scholarship to apply for, come back to this site to view the application requirements.

Give yourself plenty of time to apply because the applications require supporting documenation such as cover letters, resumes, letters of recommendation, and other details. 

See detailed descriptions of all six scholarship tracks at

If you have questions or need help during the application process, please email Laura Armstrong, Scholarship Coordinator for PSIA-AASI at