2026 Convergence® Leader Session Proposals
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Welcome to the Handweavers Guild of America, Inc.'s (HGA) Leader Session Proposal Process for the 2026 Convergence®.

Thank you for taking the time to submit a Session proposal for HGA's Convergence® Conference taking place in New Orleans (contract pending) on August 12-16, 2026 (contract pending).

The Handweavers Guild of America’s (HGA) mission is to educate, support, and inspire the fiber art community. One of the ways we do this is with Convergence®, our biennial international fiber artsconference attracting more than 1,500 participants for a multi-faceted experience with exhibitions, shopping, fashion show, tours, workshops, seminars, lectures, and more. At the heart of the Convergence® conference are the Sessions, taught by the world’s leading fiber arts instructors andthose who are up-and-coming in the field, known as Convergence® Leaders.

Convergence® Sessions are offered in the following formats:

  • 90-Minute Seminars are generally an oral session in a lecture format or a very simple project. Seminars usually require the participant to bring minimal supplies such as pen and paper and generally have no materials fee.
  • 3-Hour Seminars are either an in-depth lecture or an introductory hands-on “how-to” course designed to give participants skills or knowledge to take back and implement at home.
  • 1-Day, 2-Day, and 3-Day Workshops offer 6, 12, or 18 hours of in-depth exploration of the subject matter with hands-on instruction. Workshops may require pre-conference preparation by the participant. Workshops will have limited enrollment to provide participants with a more engaging experience. Note: HGA accepts a limited number of 3-Day Workshops.

HGA seeks a diverse selection of Session proposals. We are looking to offer our conference participants a variety of beginner, intermediate, and advanced Sessions to choose from including traditional fiber arts experiences and Sessions that are new, innovative, and unique to Convergence®. Approximately 65% of Convergence® participants have attended past conferences so new and innovative Sessions will be welcomed. Participants come from all over the United States and from around the world. HGA will assist attendees traveling from afar with loom rentals, but availability will be limited. When planning your Session, please remember the restrictions that travel may impose on participants’ ability to bring supplies for your proposed Session.


Proposed Sessions will be evaluated based on overall quality, relevance to the industry, well-defined focus and objectives, practical applications of the material, relevance and timeliness of the topic, originality of material, hands-on learning for immediate application, educator qualifications (including the level of speaking experience and expertise), and competition as compared to other proposals. Each Session must be educational. Sessions to advertise a program, product, or service for sale is unacceptable. Convergence® Leaders are expected to comply with copyright law in selecting materials and images for their Sessions and are responsible for their permission of use in HGA’s marketing materials.

Non-Compete. HGA does not impose any restrictions on teaching the same Session outside of Convergence®. However, please keep in mind that by doing so you may dilute the number of participants in your Convergence® Session. Low enrollment may lead to cancellation.

Enrollment. HGA requires Leaders to accept a minimum of 16 students per Session, however, HGA reserves the right to run a Session should enrollment fall below. Sessions with 20 or more students may request assistance from a Convergence® Intern provided it is requested with the proposal.

Convergence® Interns. These students are currently enrolled in accredited fiber arts programs at the undergraduate or graduate level. The program is designed to assist with career development by providing real work experiences that provide students with opportunities to explore their interests and develop professional skills and competencies while providing the Leader with a capable assistant to help manage a larger enrollment in their Session. HGA strongly encourages participation in this program.

WiFi. Please note that HGA does not provide internet service for Convergence® Sessions as it is cost-prohibitive. We recognize the role that technology can play in presenting information. While we would like to provide internet access and fulfill the technical equipment needs of our Convergence® Leaders, we are not in a position to do so. Some conference facilities may offer free WiFi, but reliability cannot be guaranteed. Please contact the HGA office for more information about availability prior to submitting a proposal.

Supplies and Equipment.

These items must be requested in your proposal. HGA will provide static-cling dry-erase boards (size may vary) and projector screens or a white space to project upon. HGA does not provide projectors. For a full list of equipment provided by HGA (such as dye pots, sewing machines, etc.), please refer to the application. Supplies and equipment brought by the Leader may be shipped in advance to the conference Decorator. Shipping costs are the responsibility of the Convergence® Leader. Upon selection of your Session and signing of the Convergence® Leader
Agreement, HGA will provide shipping instructions and a fee schedule.

Materials and Sales. Digital handouts, shared with Session participants in advance, are encouraged. Convergence® Leaders may charge a materials fee for items they provide to their participants such as printed booklets, fiber, beads, dyes, etc. Please ensure that these fees are reasonable. Higher materials fees often dissuade registration. Convergence® Leaders may not sell additional supplies, publications, or handcrafted items in the classroom or the public areas of the conference. HGA suggests Leaders connect with Convergence® vendors to arrange for sales. HGA will also work with Leaders to provide a scheduled and advertised time in the HGA Leader booth where a Leader may sell these items if they prefer to sell directly to participants.

Membership. All Convergence® Leaders must be or become HGA members upon receiving notification of proposal acceptance and must maintain membership through Convergence®. Memberships start at $57/year (subject to change).

If more than one proposal is accepted, HGA will do its best to schedule your Sessions concurrently. When this is not possible, you may be eligible for additional hotel compensation.

Leader Compensation

1. Honoraria will be paid at a rate of $120 per hour of instruction ($180 for a 90-Minute Seminar; $360 for a 3-Hour Seminar; $720 for a 1-Day Workshop; $1,440 for a 2-Day Workshop; and $2,160 for a 3-Day Workshop). All Sessions will require a minimum of no less than registered students or they will be subject to cancellation. Honoraria will be adjusted from the hourly rate to a per-student rate for Workshop Sessions with 5 to 11 registered students: $60 per student for a 1-Day Workshop, $120 per student for a 2-Day Workshop, and $180 per student for a 3-Day Workshop.

2. Travel Reimbursement of $75 for every three (3) hours of instruction (not to exceed $750) for any Leader residing 120 miles or more from the conference site. Leaders are responsible for arranging their own travel.


3. Hotel Compensation will be paid directly to a Convergence® Hotel by HGA and will be provided at half (1⁄2) the cost (or 50% of the cost) of a double/double room night at a blocked
room rate at a Convergence® Hotel under the following schedule:

3-6 Class Hours of Instruction... Two (2) Nights at 50%
7-12 Class Hours of Instruction... Three (3) Nights at 50%
13-18 Class Hours of Instruction... Four (4) Nights at 50%
19-24 Class Hours of Instruction... Five (5) Nights at 50%
25 or More Class Hours of Instruction... Six (6) Nights at 50%

Leaders are responsible for making their own Convergence® hotel reservation and securing a
roommate. Leaders are responsible for any miscellaneous fees and services (e.g. food,
movies, parking, room service, etc.).

4. Complimentary Convergence® Conference Registration, includes daily admission to the Marketplace, Demonstrations, Panels, and Art Exhibits; 1 ticket to the Fashion Show; 1 ticket to the Keynote Speaker; an HGA Tote Bag; and discounted session registration.