Individuals or teams of individuals employed by the Cherry Creek School District who are involved in teaching and supporting students are eligible to apply. Parents or PTCO may assist in the writing of the grant application. However, the educator will be held responsible for implementation and evaluation. Eligible employee groups include both certified and classified positions.
Grants that are designed to begin and be completed during the 2024-2025 school year are eligible to apply. Funds cannot carry over to the next school year and unused funds or funds not reconciled will be returned to CCSF.
The Cherry Creek Schools Foundation will determine the number and dollar amount of awards. Grant requests up to $1,200.00 will be considered.
The Educator Initiative Grants generally will NOT fund requests for the following items: salaries or sub-time.
Any request for technology will be reviewed for District compatibility with existing district technology.
Deadline for submission: Sunday, September 15th, 2024 at 11:59 PM. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. You will receive an email confirming the receipt of your full, completed application.
Grant Publicity:
CCSF appreciates any recognition you provide in print or electronic materials related to your funded project. We encourage you to recognize CCSF as a funder in newsletter articles or other materials that are sent to your parents or community to enhance the awareness of CCSF to allow for increased funding of grants in future years. We ask you to consider including a link to our website, www.ccsdfoundation.org, in any publicity materials. For assistance in creating publicity materials or stories, or to request a CCSF logo, please contact Aimee MacDonald at amacdonald3@cherrycreekschools.org or 720-554-4439. We kindly request you submit thank you letters, photos of the program in operation or quotes which we may publish on the CCSF website or in CCSF marketing materials. Ensure students in photos have signed media/photo releases.