Fees: For each entry, there is a $220 USD fee. You will be sent an invoice once you have finalized your submission in a seperate email.
To edit your submission, please take the following steps:
1. Click "My Submission" on the left-hand side of this page.
2. Scroll through and make your revisions.
4. You MUST click Submit to save your revisions! You can come back at a later date if you need to make changes.
If you have questions about the event, please contact the event admin at awards@corenetglobal.org.
If you have technical questions about the platform, please visit the Reviewr Help Center. Thank you and good luck!
The criteria for ALL categories you will be judged on is, Initiative, Collaboration, Implementation, Lessons Learned, Best Practices, Innovation and Outcome as well as Post-Occupancy (for Sustainable Leadership Category only).
Support Materials: File size: Not to exceed 7 pages, 2 MB, PDF format only
Project location (city, state, country)
Date of completion
Budget (final) hard costs (actual construction costs). Fee need not be included.
Type of project (e.g. office, hospital, library, etc.)
Client (company/project authority)
Design firm (project manager/design team manager)
Contact name, phone number and email
Photos (jpeg format; 72 dpi)
Please do not include press clippings or other promotional materials. Although you may draw upon information contained in these materials, please do not include them in your submission.
For Sustainable Leadership Design Categories: The judges would like to see a focus on linkage between sustainability objectives and how they fit into the overall project and organizational objectives.
***This portion refers only to Sustainable Leadership Development Categories: The judges want to see a linkage between the project’s objectives and the organization’s mission, objectives and strategies. The project should not be a “stand‐alone” effort; rather, it should demonstrate the fulfillment of the organization’s overall strategy for sustainability.
What is the difference between the design and the development categories?
The design categories recognize completed building projects.
These projects should: Integrate sustainability practices with design excellence, Meet the client’s sustainability objectives for the project, and for the organization as a whole demonstrate collaboration between the design firm and client as equal partners.
What is NOT acceptable:
Buildings that are not completed or have not been occupied for six months.
Buildings completed earlier than 2023.
The development categories recognize organization‐wide real estate programs. These programs should:
Integrate the organization’s sustainability mission and strategies throughout the organizations – penetrating everyday practices of its real estate/facilities operations
Demonstrate a clear link between the organization’s overall strategy for sustainability and the sustainable programs. This is best accomplished through measurable programs.
What is NOT acceptable:
Organizational sustainability strategies without programs
Stand‐alone programs (e.g., programs not linked to an organization’s sustainability strategies)
How many projects may be submitted?
For the design categories, you may enter for each completed building project, as long as they meet the entry criteria.
For development categories, the judges suggest that you enter only once by “bundling” your initiatives as part of the organization’s overall sustainability mission and strategies.
Explain how sustainable practices have been integrated into the project’s operations and maintenance.