2024 NAR Global Ambassador Application
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Welcome to the 2024 NAR Global Ambassador Application process! Thank you for your time and consideration of this important volunteer role. The 2024 application period opens Monday, May 20, 2024 at 6:00 AM Central Time, and closes on Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 11:59 PM Central Time. Please ensure you set aside adequate time to complete your application prior to the deadline. By creating a log in, you will have the ability to save your progress and log back in at another time before the deadline to complete your application. An automated reminder will be sent to ask you to complete and submit your application.

Before completing your application, we strongly encourage you to review the NAR Global Ambassador Handbook at https://www.nar.realtor/global/global-ambassador and also attached in the Downloads section of this page, which contains important information about the program, including the detailed responsibilities of a Global Ambassador, a sample time commitment table, the list of country groupings, and more. If you have any questions regarding the responsibilities or expecations of the NAR Global Ambassador role, please contact Karen Williams at kwilliams@nar.realtor prior to completing your application.

Key Information About Global Ambassador Appointments

  • Global Ambassadors are U.S.-based NAR members appointed by the NAR President to serve as his or her liaison to real estate professionals in their assigned countries. 
  • Global Ambassadors work to help maintain NAR's relationships with international real estate associations and organizations.
  • Appointees are generally CIPS designees and, ideally, have some knowledge of the countries' cultures and languages.
  • Appointments are made each year prior to NAR's Annual Convention and run concurrent to the NAR presidential term. 
  • Global Ambassadors serve at the discretion of the President for a term of one year, and may be re-appointed.
  • Current Global Ambassadors must re-apply annually to be considered for re-appointment.