2025 Neeley Fellows Application
Days Left
to Enter

We’re looking for motivated, high achieving, dynamic students with a thirst for learning and desire to take their college experience beyond the ordinary.  Neeley Fellows are undergraduate business students who seek enhanced academics, professional development and a collaborative community of excellence.

Demonstrated academic achievement, leadership potential and community involvement.
3.5 GPA minimum at the end of each semester of your first year at TCU.
Solid written and interpersonal communication skills.
Strong commitment to both curricular and co-curricular components of the program until graduation.
Currently a member of the John V. Roach Honors College or applying as part of their Spring 2025 application process*

Applications to become a member of the Neeley Fellows Class of 2028 will be accepted between February 3 and March 7, 2025 until 5:00 p.m. CST.

Neeley Fellows are chosen by a selection committee. Interviews are conducted by current students and alumni. Final selections are based on the criteria listed above, assessment of fit within the program, letter of recommendation and overall strength of the application. Selected applicants are notified in late May or early June.

There are 4 parts to the Neeley Fellows Application Process:
Part 1: Online Application including Resume and Cover Letter
Part 2: Letter of Recommendation
If you have submitted a complete application (Parts 1 and 2 as outlined above) by 5:00 p.m. CST on March 7, 2025, you will receive an email with information regarding the next segments of the Neeley Fellows application process.
Part 3: Informational Interviews
Part 4: Alumni Interviews (by invitation only and notified by April 17, 2025 if invited to move forward in the application process and participate in these interviews.)

*Important Note for Neeley Fellows Applicants Not Currently in John V. Roach Honors College
All Neeley Fellows are expected to be members of the John V. Roach Honors College. The unique learning opportunities students receive through the Honors College complements the curricular and co-curricular mission of Neeley Fellows. If you are not currently in the Honors College and plan to apply to Neeley Fellows, you should apply to the Honors College as part of the spring 2025 application process concurrently when applying to Neeley Fellows. Please refer to the Honors College website and our FAQ section below for additional information on the Honors College and Neeley Fellows application.

To become a Neeley Fellow, first year students must:

A. Be enrolled as a full-time student at Texas Christian University as a declared pre-business major or intent to transfer to pre-business major at end of first year.
B. Possess a minimum 3.5 TCU GPA at the end of each semester of their Freshman year.
C. Complete at least 24 credits at the end of their Freshman year.
D. Actively demonstrate academic achievement, leadership, and community involvement, in high school and college.
E. Submit an application, cover letter, resume and letter of recommendation in the spring semester of their Freshman year.
F. Conduct informational interviews with two current Neeley Fellows and, if selected, participate in the Neeley Fellows Alumni Interview process.
G. Be selected by a committee appointed by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs.