Prince George's County Public Schools - External Research Application 2025
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The Department of Research and Evaluation typically processes research requests in approximately six weeks. Only applications for the current school year are reviewed. During that time you may be asked to clarify procedural issues. Prior to submitting an application to conduct research make sure you have the following documents:

  1. Complete proposal – full/detailed description of the proposed research to include problem statement, research purpose, literature review, methods/procedures, and limitations; for thesis/dissertation proposals this is typically the first three chapters;
  2. Proposal summary – synopsis (2-5 pages) of the proposed research to include problem statement, research purpose, methods/procedures, and benefits to PGCPS;
  3. Consent/assent forms/letters – if human subjects are involved in the proposed research;
  4. All data gathering instruments – surveys, questionnaires, protocols for interviews, focus groups, and observations (if instruments are not developed by applicant, evidence that applicant can use them);
  5. Evidence of approval for thesis proposal (if applying for thesis/dissertation research) – Sufficient evidence includes a document signed by committee member(s) or another departmental administrator attesting to the fact that the graduate student’s dissertation proposal has been approved. Alternatively, a form or letter describing completion of other processes that are equivalent to establishing this pre-doctoral status signed by advisor or committee chairperson would suffice;
  6. Evidence of IRB approval;
  7. Evidence of Supervisor’s Acknowledgement (if employed by PGCPS) to be submitted via the online application;
  8. Other related documents (e.g., recruitment materials)