Swiss Italian Startup Award 2024
Days Left
to Enter

Submission material (see guidelines): 

  • Pitch Deck (pdf)
  • Optional: Video of 60-90 seconds Investor Pitch (mp4, mov)

Submission deadline: Our 2024 edition will be open for submissions until July 18th, 2024.

Important: You can modify your submission at any point prior to the deadline.

  • Your startup has started its activities within the last five years.
  • Your startup has at least one Italian founder
  • Your startup is based in Italy, or in Switzerland
  • Your startup is not a subsidiary of an already established company
  • Your startup demonstrates high growth and innovation potential
  • Your product/service Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is no less than 4 for projects in the health sector (pharma & biotech, or medtech), and no less than 6 for all other sectors