Norfolk Public Schools Foundation - 2025 Scholarship Program
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Thank you for your interest in scholarships offered through the Norfolk Public Schools Foundation. We are proud to represent our many donors and offer these outstanding scholarship opportunities to Norfolk High School graduating seniors.

For more information about the scholarship amounts and criteria, click here.

The deadline for your submissions is Friday, April 4th, 2025 at 5:00 PM.

To apply please read and follow these instructions carefully:

  • Scholarship applications are kept anonymous during the selection process. Your name will not be forwarded to the selection committee.
  • To determine financial need we use the SAR (Student Aid Report) from the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). If the scholarships you are applying for lists "financial need" in the selection criteria, you will need to provide us with a copy of your FAFSA Student Aid Report. No other financial aid form will be accepted. The report must be included in the scholarship submission and received by the deadline. Please do not ask for a deadline extension. To ensure anonymity, these reports will be used "in office" only to determine eligibility and will not be shared with the selection committee.
  • Transcripts are required and must be attached to this completed application at time of submission. The lack of a transcript will disqualify the applicant. If you have any questions regarding transcripts, please contact the Guidance Office. To ensure anonymity, your name will be blacked out by our office for the selection process.
  • Letters of Recommendation are a requirement for many scholarships. If your application is being considered for a scholarship that requires a Letter of Recommendation from a NPS staff member, those recommendations must be included with the completed application at time of submission. To ensure anonymity, please ask your reference to not refer to you by name. All references to your name will be excluded for the selection process.
  • It is the responsibility of the student applying to ensure all fields and required items have been completed correctly and submitted by the deadline date. Incomplete applications, not meeting the requirements of the selection criteria as defined on the NPS website (, Foundation, Scholarships), may be disqualified from consideration.
  • You must be a member of the graduating class of Norfolk High School to apply for NPSF Scholarships. If you will receive a diploma from Norfolk Public Schools on graduation day, you are eligible to apply.