2024 Project of the Year Awards
Days Left
to Enter

Entry Categories

Project Awards

  • New Construction under $10 Million
  • New Construction over $10 Million
  • Renovation under $10 Million
  • Renovation over $10 Million
  • Specialty Construction (Subcontractors)

Project Eligibility

  • Located in Chicagoland Area
  • Completed between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024
  • Entered by a CAGC Member in Good Standing

General Criteria

  • Excellence in Project Management & Field Supervision
  • Excellence in Client Service
  • Meeting the Challenge of a Difficult Job
  • Innovative Construction Techniques & Materials
  • Craftsmanship


Friday, October 4, 2024:  Online Entry Form, $100 Fee, Project Overview, Project Photo(s), Company Logo, Project Display Board

Presentation of Awards:  Conferred at Constructors Connect event from 4pm - 7pm on Wednesday, November 20th at 167 Events in Fulton Market.

The contractor’s toughest critic, a jury of peers, will choose winning projects.  A subcommittee of members will review the projects and determine one winner for each category. Winners will be selected based on the general criteria listed in the Rules section.  Small and large projects are considered equally.  All decisions made by the panel of judges are final.  Sophistication of the presentation is not part of the selection process, but completeness in addressing how a project meets the criteria is essential.


The awards program is open to Chicagoland AGC contractor members for projects completed between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024 located in the Chicagoland area. A company may only enter the same project once.

A company may submit up to two projects per category. In a joint venture submittal, the controlling partner must be a Chicagoland AGC member in good standing. Non-members will not be recognized.

A minimum of three projects from three different companies must be entered in a category before awards will be given in that category.