Example of ineligible Principals Fund request:
PBIS, or items covered with GRPS funding
t-shirts or spiritwear
general snacks
water bottles
items that can be covered by other agencies i.e., mortgage/rent, electric/gas bill, healthcare
Our grant applications will be awarded two times per school year with the Fall deadline October 15, 2024 and and Spring deadline February 10, 2025. Awards will be made in November 2024 and March 2025. Applications will be submitted on-line through our website www.grpsf.org.
All projects must be approved by the principal before submitting application. Applications will be reviewed by the GRPS Foundation Board of Directors and grant committee.
The Foundation reserves the right to change this process. Grants are a one-time award and must be used in the same academic year.
The Foundation grants are funded by community donations. To help us spread the word about how grants enhance education in our community, successful grant applicants will be asked to provide an impact report including photographs, recipient narrative regarding the outcomes, quotes from impacted students, etc. These photographs and impact stories will be utilized by the Foundation in our various media releases.