2024 JA Family Summit Travel Assistance
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The goal of the Arthritis Foundation Travel Assistance Program is to provide juvenile arthritis families and young adults with the opportunity to attend the JA Family Summit without facing a significant financial burden, with a focus on those in need. The program financially supports those who otherwise would not be able to attend the Summit and helps to ensure diverse representation. Travel assistance is not guaranteed for all applicants as there is limited funding available.Travel award recipients will be required to complete an online commitment form stating they will attend all sessions, get involved with the Arthritis Foundation locally and submit a "thank-you" letter to be shared with donors following the event. Funding decisions will be made anonymously by the Travel Assistance Review Committee based on responses in the application. The overall average cost to the Arthritis Foundation for the JA Family Summit is $1,500 for a young adult or $3,500 per family.