2024 Union County Scholarship Application
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2024 Union County Education Foundation Scholarship Offerings:

*You are welcome to apply for one, two, or all three offerings.  Reviewr will give the option to copy your answers from your first application into the subsequent applications.

1) Dr. Ed Davis Scholarship

$3,000 one-time award to a UCPS senior who is pursuing public education

2) Janet Tyson Scholarship

$2,000 one-time award to a UCPS senior who is pursuing public education (preference for Sun Valley High Seniors)

3) Participate Learning Scholarship

Two $2,500 awards to a UCPS senior who is in the TeachUCPS program at Porter Ridge High or Weddington High and plans to go to SPCC for the first two years and then to Wingate University. Awards with be made during your Junior and Senior years at Wingate University. Multiple students may be awarded. Sponsored by Participate Learning.

DEADLINE: Thursday, March 28th at 11:59 pm 

Please be prepared to provide the following. (ONLY PDF documents less than 1MB will be accepted for ALL attachments)

Required for all scholarships:

  • A letter of recommendation from an administrator from your high school, i.e. teacher, counselor, etc.
  • A complete transcript.
  • Resume with a listing of your extracurricular activities.
  • Statement of why you want to go into public education (JANET TYSON SCHOLARSHIP ONLY)


  • Results of SAT or other Scholastic Achievement tests. (OPTIONAL)

*Decisions are final once announced and are made by a volunteer committee of the Education Foundation.

The winner of the Dr. Ed Davis Scholarship will be required to create a video tribute to a favorite teacher before funds are dispersed. 

The Teacher Tribute Video Rubric is available for download below, but here are some highlights of what we are looking for in a great video.

  • A two-minute maximum video “Teacher Tribute” to a UCPS teacher describing what this teacher has meant to you personally and to your education.
  • Creativity and humor are highly encouraged, but it needs to be clean.
  • Consider having someone review your video, but it needs to be your own original creation.
  • Subtitles are highly encouraged. We want to make sure we can hear all the great things you have to say!
  • Your video must include the phrase "This is my Teacher Tribute for the Dr. Ed Davis Scholarship" with a screenshot of the logo available for download below.  Once submitted, your video becomes the property of the Education Foundation and we will use it to post to social media and elsewhere.
  • ​Use this opportunity to express your gratitude for all the teacher’s hard work and dedication to you. 
  • The teacher may be a current, former, or retired UCPS classroom teacher or assistant teacher.
  • Do not share anything in your video that you do not want to be made public. Your video will be shared on all our social media platforms. 

​Check out our YouTube page for great examples of video tributes from other years. Do you need advice on how to create a great video that is no or low cost? Check out our Video Making Tips on our website. Questions? Call or email Amy Sperry Executive Director at asperry@ucedfoundation.org OR 704-296-0725