In an effort to combat multiple sport cleat clutter, I’ve designed Feet Cleat. A magnetic interchangeable cleat system allowing you to switch from one sport to another with a single pair of cleats.
my idea is a bot to talk to to learn to socializes there is many different levels like level 1 as a example level one lets you talk to it and it will respond . You can also confess a example is if you did something bad you can tell it and it wont record or send your talks to anyone.
Freshly is a nutritious alternative to time-consuming lunches that take preparation and is a customizable option better than school lunches delivered right to your door.
My Idea is a soil scanner that scans the soil for its pH and moisture levels. Helping the owners own safer and healthier soil.
An app that can recognize a melody and lyrics of that one song that is stuck in your head.
Can’t Think of a Name is a comprehensive database that can be used to see if business/product names, song titles, film titles, album titles, television show names, and more, have already been taken. The app will also use random generator technology to randomly generate high-quality, original names. In addition, Can’t Think of a Name provides creators easy to access and understand resources to obtain copyright/trademark rights on their new name, and all three of these aspects will be combined into one easy to use app.
Floatacase is a phone case that can float in the air, so you don't hit in the face by your phone. All you have to do is: put the phone case on the phone, program it on the floatacase app, adjust it where you want it to be and let it go.
Power Guard made to keep your power on. Have you ever kicked off a power strip this is to prevent that
The Closet is a virtual app that helps you create your perfect outfit through professional stylists.
Care Companion is a fluffy animal that uses Artificial Intelligence for Care and Compassion.
Back up is a period product that will help young girls and women in school.
To help people open a plastic soda or water bottle easier.
My hornet repellant doesn't kill hornets, but it repells them, and it's all natural. It comes in different sizes, 8 ounce and 4 ounce, and you can spray it on yourself (except for on your face), and in your house, too.
The EasyBed is a device that easily attaches to any bed that helps making your bed super easy.
Buy this drink to help you get up in the morning.
Dog‘s Best Friend is a robot that will meet all of your dog’s needs so you will no longer need to worry about your dog’s anxiety when you leave home.
Technology plays a big role in our everyday lives and it is essential that people of all ages know how to utilize it. My project focuses on a community based education program introducing seniors to technology including QR codes, self check out, communication and cyber security.
It is a exercising machine that has tons of things you can do like sports,running,biking,snowboarding,skateboarding,and ect.It also tracks your heart rate and calories.Also, it's online so you and your friends can play with you.It has so many games and modes in VR.
TO ACCESS THIS VIDEO, PLEASE COPY THIS LINK IN A NEW TAB: The MSM is a product to help physical mail sorting easy, time saving and fun that can be used by any age group. It has an intelligence scanner that helps sorting mail and can be controlled by an app.
Clean drive is a shoe/boot brush that attaches to your vehicle. With this brush you are able to clean off your shoes/boots before getting in your vehicle keeping your interior clean.
Where’s Big Yellow is an app that lets parents and students see where their school bus is in real time. This app helps hectic mornings become stress free.
A Pin to wear on your shirt to help blind people get around, and it beeps when your approaching something and is voice activated.
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