Attention NEW Applicants...
Please note that when creating your account for the first time, we suggest that you WRITE DOWN the username and password you have created. Also, please BOOKMARK this webpage so that you can come back to your application later.
NEXT...To apply for this scholarship, you must attend one of the following schools:
• MVLA High School District (including MVLA Adult Ed, Alta Vista HS)
• Pinewood High School
• St. Francis High School
• Mountain View Academy
- An unweighted GPA of 3.0 is required and applicant will be required to submit their latest high school transcript(provided by your school's registrar).
- Financial need is considered but not a requirement for the scholarships.
You need the following information to complete this application:
1) The names of two people you will want to get letters of recommendation (at least one of these should be a teacher). Before filling out this application, you should contact these two people and confirm that they will provide letters of references for you. You’ll also need their email addresses and phone numbers.
2) The name of the person who can provide your school transcript. This is probably your school’s Registrar. Find out this person's name, email, and phone number.
3) Information on your present/past employment, academic and extracurricular activities, community service and volunteer activities, and any awards and honors you have received are factored into our award decisions.
***IMPORTANT: When completing your contact information, please be sure to provide us with current contact information, INCLUDING a personal email address that is different from your school provided email address. If awarded, we will contact you with your information provided. Please note that school-provided email address accounts will EXPIRE and may be deactivated after graduation. If we cannot contact you, we cannot award you.
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