2025 Hellenic Foundation Grant Application
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Welcome to the Hellenic Foundation Grant Award Application for 2025. 

Applications will be accepted on or before July 1, 2025. Please make note of the required items on the checklist below.


  • Fully-Completed Hellenic Foundation Grant Application
  • Certified/Signed Release of Information & Agreement (Section IV)
  • A copy of the Organization's latest Form 980, 990EZ, 990-P (Return of Organization Exempt from Federal Income Tax) (See Section III.C.)
  • A copy of the Organization's IRS § 501(c)(3) determination letter of evidence of an affiliation with a § 501(c)(3) organization* (See Section III.C.(
    • Organizations within a church, which is directly affiliated with a hierarchal church, are not required to submit a determination letter of evidence of the affiliation
  • A copy of your Organization's annual financial reports, including the annual audit/audited financial statements, if such audit(s) exist. Upon review, additional financial reports may be required (See Section III.C.)
  • A Project/Program Abstract, which includes: 1) Statement of Need; 2) Program/Project Description; 3) Goals & Objectives; 4) Timeline; 6) Budget; 7) Evaluations; 8) Staff and Organizational Information; and 9) an Appendix. (See Section III. B. of this Grant Application)


The Hellenic Foundation’s mission is to fund the development and support of programs and projects benefiting the Greek American and Orthodox Christian communities in the Chicagoland area.

Grant Applicant Guidelines

1. All grant applicants must be filed on the Foundation’s online application form and directly with the Hellenic Foundation, not with members of the Board of Directors.

2. Grant applications must be submitted on or before July 1 of the Grant Program’s calendar year.

3. No application will be considered from a non-profit organization unless the non-profit organization is currently recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt, non–profit organization in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 1969.

4. Programs and projects must be in keeping with the historic focus of the Hellenic Foundation and scope of its Mission Statement.

5. The Foundation does not make direct grants or scholarships to individuals.

6. The Foundation may consider supporting scholarship programs up to, but not exceeding, 30% of the scholarship program. Recipients of Foundation funded scholarships must demonstrate financial need and reside in the Chicagoland area.

7. The Foundation will not consider a grant request for a “pass through’ to a third party, or another program or project.

8. In general, the Foundation does not fund grant requests for capital improvements.

9. The Foundation will not consider solicitation from annual contribution drives.

10. The Foundation’s Grant Program does not provide for emergency discretionary funding.

11. Approval of a portion of a grant request does not obligate the Foundation to further support that project.

12. Grants are approved only by specific resolution of the Foundation Board and are effective only after a standard grant contract has been executed and delivered to the Foundation by the Applicant and subsequently accepted by the Foundation in writing by the Chairman of the Grant Committee.

13. To conserve its resources and to maximize its support, the Foundation does not grant funds to pay completed projects, to pay existing debts or deficit funding, to pay for political expenditures or lobbying activities.

14. All funds distributed by the Foundation must be used for the project designated in the application and the grant contract, and any funds not used for the designated project must be returned to the Foundation. Further, funding not used for the specific project within 12 months following the Grant Award will expire as of December 31 of that year.

15. All grant applications will be considered annually at Board of Directors meeting held in the fall of the year. To be considered at that meeting, an application must be received by July 1.

16. All grants are made at the discretion of Hellenic Foundation. Qualification under the Foundation’s Grant Policies and Guidelines does not entitle an organization to receive a grant. The Hellenic Foundation reserves the right to decline to make any grant requested.

17. Upon accepting this grant, the grant recipient agrees to be featured in a video production with the Hellenic Foundation for the purpose of, but not limited to, promotion, documentation, programming, and broadcasting the program funded and its impact on the Greek and Orthodox community in the Chicagoland area. Production should not exceed one calendar day; however, in the event it does, permissions will be expressed.

For complete Grant Policies and Guidelines click here.