Student Travel Scholarship
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IAFP recognizes that students from around the world are the future leaders in the field of food safety. Since 2004, the IAFP Foundation has been dedicated to enhancing the career potential of exceptional students through the annual IAFP Student Travel Scholarship Program.

Recipients of the Annual Meeting Student Travel Scholarship are required to attend the 2025 Annual Meeting in Cleveland, Ohio, where they will receive a personalized plaque. Recipients will receive the option of reimbursed travel funds or a $500 honorarium. 

Recipients of the European Symposium Student Travel Scholarship are required to attend the 2025 European Symposium, where they will receive a personalized plaque. Recipients will be reimbursed for travel funds to attend the symposium. European applicants may apply for both Student Travel Scholarships. However, should you receive the European Symposium Student Travel Scholarship, your application for the Annual Meeting Student Travel Scholarship will not be considered.

The application deadline for both Student Travel Scholarships is Tuesday, January 21, 2025.