PEF Infusion Dance Scholarship
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 To provide college financial assistance for Pflugerville ISD seniors who are pursuing a college degree in the Performing Arts, and/or Arts Education.


  • Current Pflugerville ISD Graduating Senior

  • Enrolled in Pflugerville ISD Fine Arts Elective or Organization (ex. Dance, Band, Orchestra, Theatre, Choir)

  • Pursuing higher education in the field of Fine Arts

  • Two Letters of recommendation

  • A “Personal Statement” essay answering the following questions:

  1.  Explain your career aspirations and your educational plan.

  2. Explain how this scholarship will assist with your plans.

  3. Share examples of how your involvement in the Arts has positively affected your education.

Decision and Award of Scholarship:

  • A Pflugerville Education Foundation committee will screen and select awards for 2 recipients
     per year

  • Scholarship total is $1,000 per recipient toward college expenses with proof of enrollment.