2025 Board of Director Applications
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On behalf of the Board of Directors and MREA members, thank you for your interest in MREA Board service. Individuals representing full-member districts are invited to apply and help build on MREA’s success by contributing knowledge, expertise and energy. The application deadline is October 20 for vacancies as of January 1, 2025.

MREA members elect 75 percent of the Board, and the following application provides information about you and your skills and attributes that we will share with our members at election time. It also gives you a sense of qualifications and commitment MREA members seek in their Board to increase the scope and impact of MREA's work. Likewise, this information will help the MREA team create an excellent Board experience for you.

Individuals interested in volunteering their leadership skills have many choices, and we are gratified you are interested in serving rural education. We look forward to sharing your application with our members during elections in December. 

Review Board time commitments and qualifications here.